MOO | Monika Mori

MOO | Monika Mori

About The Artist

Monika Mori, known as the artist MOO, works with bold colors and strokes, allowing free elements of drips and dashes to bisect her canvases. Her works are highly expressive – she has always wanted the world to hear what she has to say, and these artistic communications embody her emotions, experiences and her delight at the interaction with color. For Mori, color is liberating. Only through art can one mediate the unspeakable, so this allows for a greater freedom within a work. It is a language unto itself and there is merit to all interpretations. The subtle earth palette glows from the surface of the canvas and illuminates the striking dripped forms. Their uneven linear progress forms crowds, forests, circuitry – they travel and lead us on through the painting and beyond. The strength of these paintings reflects the strength of Mori herself, and the intensity of the message she has to convey. Monika Mori currently lives and works in Austria & Florida/USA