Jiri Jiroutek

Jiri Jiroutek

About The Artist

JIri JIROUTEK Qualified European Photographer Date and place of birth 21. 3. 1967, Louny, Czech Republic Education Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University in Opava (abs. 1994) Professional direction advertising, portraits, architecture Membership of specialist organizations Association of Professional Photographers, Czech Republic (2000–2006) QEP Club of the Association of Professional Photographers, Czech Republic Copyright Protection Organization - Association (OOA-S) Awards 1990 Young Photographers (up to 25 years) – 1st place, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic 2002 Title of QEP – Qualified European Photographer, Cologne, Germany 2004 „Eté des Portraits“ – 3rd place, Groupement National de la Photographie Professionnelle, France 2005 Nomination for the Black & White Spider Awards, Professional – Abstract, California, USA 2005 Competition promoting tourism publications, Calendar category – 1st place, Písek, Czech Rep. 2005 Celebrity of Culture in the Liberec Region, Liberec , Czech Republic 2006 Nomination for the Black & White Spider Awards, Professional – Abstract (2×), California, USA 2006 Nomination for the Black & White Spider Awards, Professional – People (3×), California, USA 2006 Black & White Spider Awards, Professional People – 2nd place, California, USA 2008 Nomination for the Black & White Spider Awards, Professional – Architectural, California, USA 2009 Nomination for International Color Awards, Professional – Abstract, California, USA 2010 Commemorative Medal of School of Applied Arts in Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic 2010 Nomination for International Color Awards, Professional – Abstract, California, USA 2010 FEP European Professional Photographer Of the Year, Portrait – 3rd place, Brussels, Belgium 2011 Hasselblad Master 2010 finalist competition (Architectural), Sweden 2011 Nomination for the Black & White Spider Awards, Professional – Architectural, California, USA 2011 Black & White Spider Awards, Professional Nature – 2nd place, California, USA Publications 2005 Phenomenon Jested (2009 – 2nd enlarged and revised edition) Publications in cooperation 2005 Decuria – 10 Czech QEP Photographers Another publications Architecture (Catalog, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague), Association of Professional Photographers, 2002 QEP – Qualified European Photographers, FEP, Brussels, Belgium, 2005 Graduates (Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University in Opava 1991–2006), Opava 2006 Slavné vily Libereckého kraje, Foibos, Praha, 2007 The World’s Greatest Black & White Photography, BookBasil London, UK, 2007 Leica Gallery Prague – Catalogue, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008 Jablonec Town Hall 1931–1933, M?sto Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic, 2008 Cold War Modern – Design 1945–1970, Victoria & Albert Museum London, UK, 2008 TV Towers – 8559 Meters Politics and Architecture, Raumtaktik Berlin, Germany, 2009 Selection of the Solo Exhibitions 1999 Portraits – Small Exhibition Hall, Liberec, Czech Republic 2000 Windows 96 – State Castle and Chateau Grabštejn, Czech Republic 2000 Cats and Dogs – Exhibition Grounds, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic 2000 Succession and Connection – Naïve Theatre, Liberec, Czech Republic 2002 Up&Down – WE Gallery, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic 2005 Phenomenon Jested – Small Exhibition Hall, Liberec, Czech Republic 2006 Phenomenon Jested – Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 2006 Phenomenon Jested – Representation of the Liberec Region, Brussels, Belgium 2007 Phenomenon Jested – Bata`s 21, Zlín, Czech Republic 2007 Portraits – WE Gallery, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic 2007 Phenomenon Jested – Architects Club, St. Gallen, Switzerland 2007 Up&Down – New City Hall Liberec, Czech Republic 2009 Phenomenon Jested – Futurista Universum, Prague, Czech Republic 2010 Už nejdu do Ješt?du – Galerie U Rytí?e, Liberec, Czech Republic 2010 Už nejdu do Ješt?du – Futurista Universum, Prague, Czech Republic 2011 Personalities – Schaezlerpalais, Augsburg, Germany 2011 Personalities – Czech Centrum, Munich, Germany 2012 Personalities – Oblastní galerie v Liberci – Museum of European Art, Liberec, Czech Republic Selection of collaberative exhibitions 1990 Regional Round Amateur Photography Competition, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic 1990 XI. National Amateur Photography Competition, OKS Olomouc, Czech Republic 1991 Thomas Mann Klub, Nordhausen, Germany 1993 Thomas Mann Klub, Nordhausen, Germany 1996 Small Exhibition Hall, Liberec, Czech Republic 1998 Portraits (with AF)– National Technical Museum, Praha, Czech Republic 2000 Advertaising (with AF) – National Technical Museum, Prague, Czech Republic 2002 Architecture (with AF) – Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 2003 Portraits – Exhibition Grounds, Interkamera (with AF), Prague, Czech Republic 2004 „Eté des Portraits“ – Bourbon-Lancy, France 2005 QEP presentation – Czech Senate, Prague, Czech Republic 2006 CzechPesPhoto – Josef Sudek Chamber Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 2006 QEP presentation – Gallery 4, Cheb, Czech Republic 2006 Graduates 1991–2006 – House of the Arts, Opava, Czech Republic 2009 Motive 2009 – The Knight Gallery, Liberec, Czech Republic 2012 Photographers – 20 years of WE Gallery, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic Represented in Collections National Museum of Photography,– Golden Collection of Czech Photographers, Jind?ich?v Hradec, Czech Republic Museum Kampa – Sovovy Mlýny – Jan and Meda Mládek Foundation, Prague, Czech Republic Nord Bohemian Museum in Liberec, Czech Republic Leica Gallery Prague, Czech Republic Private Collections (Holland, Germany, USA) Bc. Ji?í Jiroutek, QEP Ruprechtická 703/17 • Liberec 1, Czech Republic T +420 602 422 401 • atelier@jiroutek.com www.jiroutek.com • www.fenomenjested.cz