by Mina Cappussi

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URPHANOMEN Ceruleo (English version) Acrylic on canvas (70 x 100 x 2) Exposed in Bologna - EXPO BOLOGNA 2015 from Jenuary 23 to february 19, 2015 - Presentation by prof. Philippe Daverio - dr- Giorgio Grasso. URPHANOMEN Ceruleo Acrylic on canvas (70 x 100 x 2) The Urphanomen, described by Friedrich Schelling as primordial phenomena, subject to constant metamorphosis, representing the link between man, nature and the universe. The Urphanomen is, according to Henry Corbin, the appearance of an image that has the quality of a symbol. For Eidegger l 'Urphanomen is what is original, that can not be traced back to another or, as Goethe says, the' Urphanomen "ideal, as last knowable, real, as known, symbolic, because it contains all the cases. The trees of "Urphanomen" series are inhabited by the spirits of nature in becoming phenomenal that shows faces, shapes, screams, profiles, beyond time and space. Monsters that we carry inside are generational memories, the selves that we carry with us unknowingly. The spirits of nature will show in the time of the fall of the veils. It is in the relatively short range of opening in the space-time continuum that consciousness emerges. This is the time of sacred dance that plants, the earth, the spirits of the air chanting to the Sun, the giver of light. In "Metamorphosis of Plants" in 1790, Goethe sees nature producing a continuous forms before their summer break, the scene of a constant becoming, in the endless game of nature, which, while renewing preserves its unity, as well as the plant simply slept in the seed; an initial model, itself locked up, lying folded in the bark. A philosophical view, that of Goethe, derived mystical and alchemical, which uses the thought of Spinoza, Leibniz and Kant. The Urphanomen, moreover, can be considered an extension of Platonic doctrine of ideas, however, interpreted in a dynamic sense. We must probe the abyssal depths that the German thought he enclosed in ur code to discover in Ur-Phanomen, the original phenomenon of Goethe, the invisible thread that passes through the doctrines of the symbol developed by George Klages, for knotting and ethnology history of religions. So found an opening in the barrier that Kant had erected between world and knowledge through the unknowable noumenon. Goethe supports the perfect experience of noumenal reality by observing the world in the making, in the making. The form for Goethe is a fluid reality on the physical plane, yet constantly on the ideal plan: is the Urphànomen, primordial phenomenon, a quid ideal, graspable only in speculation of the intellect. Take care of a tree: protect, sorreggilo, love him. "The plant - is explained in the initiation Amazonian shamanic between populations Shuar, Achuar and Shipibo-Conibo - is inhabited by a flow of spirits, many different immaterial beings, the jonibo. The sacredness of the trees and the whole of nature requires an awareness of humanity and respect for all life.

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