About The Artist

Ralf Hasse Hasse creates acrylic paintings that are multi-faceted in design and content and universally deal not only with experiencing but also with crossing limits. In his abstract and figural works, we can find magical, dream-like scenarios - the real alongside the unreal. His paintings challenge the observer to discover new notions with every closer look. On the prevalent format of 140 x 100 cm, phantasy worlds materialize, seemingly chaotic but well-arranged at the same time. 2015 Nominated for the 38 Art Award of the Culture Foundation Karlsruhe 2014 The piece Universum (Universe) is awarded with the second Audience Award of the International Biennial 5, Hamburg. 2012 Winner of the Kunstpark(t) Competition AllU Can ART, Berlin for Fünf Monate Weltgeschichte (Five Months of World History). Multi-layered picture planes permeate and symbolize the most diverse facets of reality. The observer can go astray in the multi-perspectivity of Hasse’s paintings, he can rest in details or contemplate the work in its entirety recognizing its entity. “Insanity and tranquility in unison“, the artist describes himself. Ralf Hasse faced the border between life and death in two near-death experiences. This is reflected in his works as a film passing by the inner eye in which creatures, nature, cities, technology and symbols enter the stage vividly. Coming back to the light is a recurring motif, expressed in numerous paintings by a sun placed against a background that reminds us of medieval iridescent glass paintings. In other works, it is depicted as small golden islands of light that can form a haven of peace in the partly slivered and vast environment, and unfolding then again a meaningful cosmos. Ralf Hasse combines past and future visions, nativeness and modernity in a layered painting technique. He bestows a relief-like structure upon his paintings and addresses not only the visual impression but also the haptics. Idea and materiality are closely interwoven. Strong colour and form contrasts result in an exuberant vitality and sensual pleasure, the playful ease conflicting at times with the critical content such as the lacking communication in a time of highly developed communication technologies. Hasse visualizes historical events as change, in which the dimensions of space and time elapse infinitely in the artistic realisation. https://ralf-hasse.jimdo.com