by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Rain Dancers

0.0 x 0.0

28" x 32" acrylic on canvas Seasons turn from one to another, each having its own rituals and secrets. This month the Onju Saginaw tribe was dancing to entice the heavens to open and give them the precious rain they sorely need. It hasn't rained for months, and they were getting desperate. If it doesn't rain soon their crops will never grow and they will have to move their large community or face starvation. All the areas surrounding them were already inhabited and being farmed by other tribes. If the rain wouldn't come, they would have to move their large encampment many many miles into the hinterlands to find another suitable area for their families. The drums kept a steady rhythm along with the chanting of the elders. The women and children clapped their hands keeping time with the strong beat of the drums. This would go on for hours and possibly days until it would rain or their Chief would decide to stop the ceremony. Check back next week to find out if the heavens ever opened up or if the Onju Saginaws had to leave the territory.

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