Jean-Pierre Bratanoff-Firgoff

Jean-Pierre Bratanoff-Firgoff

About The Artist Extract from an interview in ZOOM magazine - international edition. .....Bratanoff is self-taught and as he himself says, his approach to pho- tography is that of “a tourist without a map”. As a result, his approach is instinctive, emotional and without fixed rules. His photographs are a mix of digital experimentation and formal minimalism. When you think you have understood everything, you realize that you still have a lot to discover. This idea can be summed up in the phrase Jean-Pierre likes so much, “the same but different”, and he stresses that “nothing is the way you remember it, if you continue to look at something it changes.”.... .... In answer to the question, “What is photography?”, Jean-Pierre responds simply, drawing on his French roots: “Photography ... is pure pleasure. When I see a lovely, balanced image, it?s like good food ... pleasure for the eyes ...”.