Bettina Madini

Bettina Madini

About The Artist

Bettina was born in Berlin, Germany. In 1992, she moved to Luxemburg and pursued a career in the corporate world. Bettina resumed her art education in 1998 in Luxemburg at the Ecole d'Art Contemporain and studied with Jean-Marc Tossello. In 2003, she moved to New York City where she continued exploring art at the National Academy School of Fine Arts and studied with Susan Shatter, Sharon Sprung, Henry Finckelstein and Wolf Kahn. She has been living and working as a creative being in the United States since 2004. Bettina Madini's paintings are expressive, colorful and free-spirited. Painting is, for her, more than an expression of an exterior experience, but rather a journey that reveals itself in the process. "I love to inspire others with my paintings and, actually, with everything I create!", she says. "Imagine the world that is possible if we all choose more joy and happiness each day! If I can inspire that in one person, I'm brilliantly successful!' Bettina's paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. Bettina loves to inspire the world to a different possibility, with everything she creates! She offers painting and creativity retreats, coaches creatives and those seeking greater possibilities, and she facilitates Access Consciousness Core Classes internationally. She uses her facilitation skills in her creativity classes that are designed specifically to allow the class participants to directly experience the process of creation from a space of curiosity and ease, rather than approaching it from a linear point of view based on structure and thinking.