by Shah Numair Ahmed Abbasi

Artwork Description

The Unfamiliar Romance

0.0 x 0.0

2017 Mixed media on canvas, and digital print on Montval paper 91 x 168 cm, and 12x8.4 cm In a predominantly homophobic society, there seems to prevail an unsaid tolerance towards physical intimacy between the same sex – it is rarely interpreted as romantic. Two men can walk hand-in-hand in public without fear of it being considered amorous; which would be the case if a heterosexual couple were to do the same. There is thus this space which proves to be conducive to the local LGBT community, especially to gay men, to freely exercise their lifestyle and desire – all while maintaining low visibility and consequently without raising speculation. Only discussing queer life is taboo which ironically oft facilitates it, as does deeply entrenched patriarchy that the society struggles to detach its impetus from.

Artwork Details

