Bescht Ute | Dali68

Bescht Ute | Dali68

About The Artist

Arts has a lot of various expressions - I would like to extend the field to MY arts(life)style. I am no classical studied artist, but arts and design are recurrent themes in my life. I am happy not to have been raised within the insular spheres of the arts university and/or designing institutes. Young artists are too influenced by what is called arts in whatever way and are pushed into what the articles consider to be "artistic" They are neither entrapped nor fixed but too much of a canned-artist who I do not believe any development of artist qualities. Those days I was un-conciously unprepared to get lost in the maze of arts scenes far away from some life and only to work for self proclaimed critics and adepts. I also disliked the idea being "productive" in the sense of having to earn my money with it. I am an autodidact, selftaught artist who simply observes.