Karen Banker

Karen Banker

About The Artist

Currently living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, Karen Banker is known internationally for her vibrant colors and emotionally saturated works. Her work is often described as “mesmerizing” by viewers who are captivated by her powerful, spiritual pieces. Working primarily in acrylics and oil, Banker’s work offers depth, movement, luminosity, and the ability to evoke strong emotions. Widely collected, Banker’s award winning work has been exhibited in art galleries across the country along with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Miami, Florida. Most recently her work has been on exhibit at Colorida Galleria de Arte in Lisbon, Portugal and at ArtExpo New York held in conjunction with the Architectural Digest Home Design Show. “I am passionate about the existence and mystery of the human soul and our life long journey back to true self. My work is about awareness, self-discovery, and our journeys inward. It is about the layers that lie beneath our physical exteriors, beneath the surface of conversations, thoughts and ideas. Through my art, questions are raised. Some are fun to explore; others more challenging, but with each answer we take a step closer to authentic self.”