About The Artist

www.lena-kramaric.com lenakramaric@gmail.com +385 91 7331346 born: 30of November 1982, Zagreb, Croatia member: Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) education 2010: Academy of Fine Arts (PhD), Zagreb 2002-2008: Academy of Fine Arts (MA), Zagreb Department of Art education and Art history course: Painting 2006-2007: Pro-anima school, Zagreb, Graphic design 2001-2002: Philosophical faculty of arts, Zadar Art history and Italiano language 1997-2001: School of Applied Arts and Design, Zagreb Graphic design, print and drawing department solo exhibitions • 12/2011 - Amstel Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands • 12/2011 - AcquestArte, Ascona, Switzerland • 08/2011 - Art radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik (video work ‘Closer’) with Ž. Blakši? • 04/2010 - Gallery Ulrich, Zagreb (‘What I have’) • 11/2009 - Gallery Izidor Kršnjavi, Zagreb (‘SpaceTHREE’) • 10/2009 - Atelier Prijeko, Dubrovnik • 09/2009 - Salon Gali?, Split (‘Place-Space3’) • 07/2009 - Gallery Prica, Samobor (‘Place-Space3’) • 04/2009 - Gallery Razvid, Zapreši? • 04/2009 - Gallery Ruža, Zagreb • 04/2009 - Gallery Cekao, Zagreb (‘Place/Space – Time – Experience - Art work’) • 11/2008 - Living room, Dubrovnik • 09/2008 - Monastery S. Klara, Dubrovnik • 02/2008 - Gallery Banfi, Zagreb (‘Best art work’) • 09/2007 - Gallery Mala, Novigrad • 03/2007 – Prostor, Zagreb (‘Alice in Wonderland’) group exhibitions • 02/2011 - AAF (Affordable Art Fair), Milano, Italy • 01/2011 - Gallery Ulrich, Zagreb (‘Likum generation’) • 10/2010 - Acquest Arte, Ascona, Switzerland with Alex&Felix (CH), B. van Dorpe (B) and C. Faassen (NL) • 05/2010 - 45th Zagreb salon, HDLU, Zagreb (performance: ‘How to value work of Art’) • 01/2010 - Gallery Ulrich, Zagreb (‘Likum generation’) • 12/2009 - Living room, Dubrovnik (with A. Obradovi?) • 11/2009 - Gallery O.K, Rijeka (‘The 11 visions project’) • 10/2009 - Prostor, Zagreb (‘3years 30artists’) • 02/2009 - Gallery Galženica, Velika Gorica (‘Interzone/City’, video work ‘Closer’) with Ž. Blakši? • 12/2008 - Museum of modern art, Dubrovnik (‘Dubrovnik moment in the fine arts’) • 10/2007 - Gallery SC, Zagreb (‘Vox feminae’) • 05/2007 - Gallery SC, Zagreb (First world festival of experience‘dpi’) • 2006 - Gallery Kristofor Stankovi?, Zagreb ('Passionic heritage') • 2005 - Gallery Kristofor Stankovi?, Zagreb ('Passionic heritage') • 2005 - Gallery Klovi?evi dvori, Zagreb • 2005 - Gallery Staklenik, FF, Zagreb ('Self-portrait') • 2004 - Festival 'C’est is the Best' Zagreb (performance 'Last Supper and Satisfaction') with Ž. Blakši? • 1999 - Factory of Culture, Zagreb ('The best transparent')