Victoria Udalova

Victoria Udalova

About The Artist

Udalova Victoria- artist, designer, started drawing since childhood. 1980-1984 – Art school of Volgograd. 1984-1988 – Saratov Art Сollege (department of painting). 1988-1990 – works as a teacher for children in art school. 1991-1997 – Moscow Art and Industry Academy by S. G. Stroganov. 05.1991 – received the prize for II place "Best painting» in the Academy. 06.1992 - diploma "the First exhibition of students». 02.1995 - scholarship Holder of the program "New names" (one-year scholarship). Since 1995 participated in various exhibitions in Russia and Europe. She lives in Spain and in Russia. Her works are in private collections in Spain, England, Italy, Indonesia, Russia. «In our time of information technology, computer graphics and conceptual art, where the viewer can only guess, that wanted to paint an artist, you begin to understand the value of figurative art and skills to represent professionally human’s body in motion: his personality, beauty, energy. Victoria Udalova – member of the Union of Russian artists and professional painter. After Graduating from the Saratov art school and Academy by Stroganov, she continues the tradition of realistic art in her own manner. Her models are dancers of flamenco y ballet, boxers and other people, who know how to show your feelings with body language»- Russian-Spanish magazine «IMRULS plus» №18 2016.