Maurice Mbikayi

Maurice Mbikayi

About The Artist

Maurice Hermès Mbikayi was born in 1974 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo and today lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa. He was graduated in Graphic Design & Visual Communication at the Academies des Beaux Arts, Kinshasa in 2000. Maurice has also studied photography in Cape Town. He was selected for The Spier Contemporary 2010 /Africa Centre biennial in Cape Town and The Hollard Creative Exchange Programme 2010-2011, facilitated by The Jeanetta Blignaut Art Consultancy. He was awarded a 3 months life/work residency in IAAB in Basel, Switzerland by Prohelvetia South Africa, a 3 months life/work in Zoma Contemporary Art Centre in Ethiopia, by the Artist in Residency (AIR) Program, Africa Centre as well as a grand prize winner of 3rd Ward Award an online call in Brooklyn, NYC. Maurice Mbikayi has exhibited nationally and internationally and is member of the Visual Art Network of South Africa (VANSA).