Kamila Ossowska

Kamila Ossowska

About The Artist

Kamila Ossowska - Born in 1990. Chojnice. A graduate of the Lodz Academy of Fine Arts. The way of expression in her works is drawing and oil painting. Kamila Ossowska's creativity oscillates around the human form, specifying the female figure. Her works are often tinged with eroticism, They exude feminine sensuality. This controversy is a conscious provocation directed against the artificial ideologies of life. Her works are inspired primarily by existential loneliness, obsession and spiritual discomfort. Building an image using light and sensitive treatment of situation creates an unique character and unites her achievements stylistically. Large formats allows her to maintain momentum and expressiveness and mobilizing intellect, emotions, consciousness. The artist through interpretation of the body touches the complex female psyche and her intimate inner world. Through the exaltation of beauty nudity, female body seems to be as something almost metaphysical Her works occur in private collections in the country and abroad. Less