Deri Chilton Russell

Deri Chilton Russell

About The Artist

I started my Fine Art Impressionism in 2016 trying to make my art finely tuned. I was naive. Not to say I didn't really understand the eye/brain information gathering concept, but more I was trying to recreate my reference down to the last gleam of light. I think however, now my style is picking up more of the gesture of the colours, adding layers of other colour for blending so the eye engages the brain and draws on the interpretation from the viewer's imagination or prior memories. Subtle colour changes in darker areas. Sweeps of colour representing rather than details details details. Some of my clients still prefer the original, more detailed style, so I try to throw one in occasionally. But all in all I think my art is evolving as the years go on. I had someone tell me once " from a distance my work looks like a photo, but as you get closer you can see its a painting". I am striving for "I feel like I am really there". As a job one could not get any better. Art fulfills an artist. I hope to continue to grow in my work and hope you enjoy the journey with me.