Artist background In Australia, we have a deeply symbolic bond with the bush [any native vegetation from forest to semi-desert is bush]. We are lock into an eternal struggle with our environment leaving us with a feeling of Orr and at time dread .we are bound together in our love of this unforgiving land with it beauty of the wildflowers after rain and the terrible dread of a wildfire [known as bushfire ] bring much death and destruction usually after long droughts. So we dance this dance together, the land and us. Locked into this through our folklore and our need for each other. This land of extremes we love so much, with her drought, floods and devastating droughts. Yet it is a land of rugged beauty, to which many fall under her spell. Statement of style The work is about the environment [represented by stylised wildflowers] through a fundamental understanding of it through our interaction with it and in it, both physically and spiritually. The shapes, lines and colours explore our perception of ourselves in it beyond everyday levels of thought. We have a deep understanding and are locked in an eternal battle with the environment. The works flip from one conceptual dimension to any other, allowing the viewer to be stimulated into exploring the spatial constructs, just as we do in nature. Good art is a window to the soul of the artist, the reflection of the true inner self. It should reflect on or be a reflection of community values. For the observer, good art should touch the soul and be reflected there! No Computers were used in the creation of these works!

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