Begoña Lafuente López

Begoña Lafuente López

About The Artist

BIO ​Begoña Lafuente lives and works as an artist near the Northen sea in The Netherlands. Born, raised and educated in Spain, she moved to North Holland in 2009 with her husband and two daughters. ​She has a bachelor and master degree in Fine Arts at the Fine Arts University Complutense of Madrid and has been working as a graphic designer since 1993. She is a multidisciplinary experimental artist; her process is continuously evolving using different techniques and media from paint and experimental photography, to scannography and collage or monoprint, fusing reality with abstract. Her art works invite you to draw your own interpretations. ​She participates often in local and international art fairs and exhibitions and her works can be found in private collections in Europe (Spain, Germany, United Kingdom and The Netherlands), and in The United States of America. ​ARTIST STATEMENT ​I'm an explorer of the essence of ART, I marvel why there are timeless pieces and why others fall into oblivion. ​Art should be a timeless conversation where not everything is said, but suggested. The untold meanings are what enrich, puzzle and arise the interest of the viewer and make a piece unforgettable. ​ I try to find value, in this implied connection to the YOU, the beholder, through every art work. ​ In my portraits, I usually make the eyes follow you while you question what you really are contemplating. The liveness of my art is usually reflected in the relationship between the theme and the title. I tease you into looking further with references made to artistic cultural movements. ​ I thoroughly enjoy the process of creation, taking my time to fine-tune colours and shapes: movement and contrasts push and pull each other to create an emotional and visual tension.