Connecting Past With Present: The never-Ending Struggle For Civil Rights

John Wiehe

As I watched events unfold across the nation in the spring and summer of 2020, I was compelled to learn more about the history of racism and civil rights. It was humbling to realize that after all this time, I knew so little about the terrorism inflicted on black people after slavery had ended. Digging deeper, I learned about certain men and women who, through their careers and personal lives, advanced the cause of equal rights in our country. Some are true national heroes who lived in constant danger, endured beatings, frequent arrests, and risked or even gave their lives for the cause. In this exhibit, spanning the years from enslavement to Black Lives Matter, you will be introduced to these important figures, some perhaps for the first time. There are examples here of exceptional intelligence, faith, fortitude and courage. The importance of this exhibit lies not only in the 25 oil portraits, but in the accomplishments of the individuals featured in this group. This has been a learning experience for me. My goal here is to express through art, my profound admiration for these trailblazers, but also to try to spark something in you to learn the whole story, the truth about this long reprehensible chapter in our country's history. John Wiehe Fairfield, Ohio