Message of Colors

Alex Bonsanthy

This exhibition is a synthesis of the most representative artworks of the artist from the last 3 years. Picasso said, "each of my artworks is an experiment" and Bonsanthy is following this guideline of his idol creating samples of different styles: Geometric Cubism (a sort of cubism, that consists of more geometrical forms combined with colors and giving a big picture with message), Magic Realism, Impressionism, Abstract, a.o.). The message transmitted by the artist is of equilibrium between forms created by humans and nature. The beauty of the colors should be an expression of the natural influence on artificial constructions. It should be a link between humanity and nature. If you buy an artwork You should agree with its message, admire the harmony of the colors and the elegance of the lines. In this case you would feel joy each time you see it and even if You are not in a good mood, the artwork will influence positively your mind.