About The Artist

Born in Tehran, Iran, Sia Aryai displayed an interest in art from early childhood. Finding himself in a stringent cultural environment, Aryai secretly sketched female figures from smuggled foreign magazines. In the mid 70's, Aryai left Iran for England where he received his formal education and was free to pursue his artistic passions. Later he ventured on to the United States where in the mid 80's he immersed himself in the medium of photography. This gave him the perfect means and medium to capture the essence and the beauty of women through his own unique vision, approach, and style. "Sia Aryai's artwork captures the sensual delicacy of the feminine mystique combined with a rough course embellishment suggestive of Ancient Persia and modern day women, transcending time and place, in a subconscious space that attracts and affects us all." Sia is also credited with producing artistic product renderings for such major companies as Nike, Kraft, and Adidas. His images have also appeared as key set decorations in major motion pictures. “We who love the magic of photographs are compelled to own and display photographs- photographs that somehow stop us, linger with us, emote feelings unique in our daily lives, and demand that we thank the artist. When I saw Sia Aryai’s work at the VIVA gallery, I experienced many of these feelings.” says Gil Garcetti. Sia Aryai's images speak universally and have garnered both national and international acclaim. His art works have shown in galleries and museums throughout the United States.