About The Artist

Oresta Kinash is a professional choral conductor and vocal teacher and a self-taught artist. She was born in Ukraine in 1982 in the small town Sambir, Lviv region, in a family of musicians. All her whole life is accompanied by music and singing. For many years she worked as a teacher of music and vocals, and was a leader and conductor of many choirs in Ukraine.Oresta Kinash mainly specializes in sacred, liturgical music. For now she lives in Warsaw (Poland). THere Oresta also works as a conductor and leader of choirs in Ukrainian church in Warsaw, where liturgies of the Eastern Byzantine tradition take place. Sacred and musical art has always impressed and inspired her to high thoughts, dreams and unusual deeds. Perhaps that's why painting became her hobby and the beautiful part of artistic and private life. At first it was a desire to just create and nothing serious was planned. Over time, drawing grew into a need and became a way of thinking and expressing feelings, mood and dreams. Interestingly, even close friends and relatives did non know that Oresta draws and has this talent. However, there were also many artists, sculptors and architects in the Oresta's family generation. Now she jokes that she inherited this gene from some kind ancestor from another world. When the information opened, many people were pleasantly surprised and began to ask for an exhibition of her paintings. So, in 2020, Oresta's first exhibition took place in Warsaw. That solo-exhibition was named "Dreamland". It was in Сonference room at the Basilian Monastery and was charitable. Thу artist supports Ukrainian soldiers in the occupied part of her country with her art. The funds raised were used to rehabilitate the wounded. Her life credo has always been peace and love of beauty. She believes that love and kindness can heal wounds and save someone's life. For wider recognition, Oresta also decided to take the next step and began to participate in international competition and content with professional artists. Oresta prefers oil and acrylic paintings, but sometimes she also uses pastel and watercolor techniques. The artist loves medium and large sizes, because with them reminds her of the freedom to create as in conducting music. Since she started painting only a couple years ago, she wants to have time to master various techniques. That's why Oresta experiments a lot and is not afraid of criticism and mistakes. She continues to develop her abilities on her own day by day. She says: " Every experience and even failure must be accepted with equal dignity.Thanks to art, I began to understand music more deeply and see it in colors. Now drawing has become such a natural need for me as singing or breathing.I think I draw inspiration from Heaven and good motivated people. Painting is my reflection of feelings and invisible music. Painting makes music visible and reveals more beauty and happiness in our lives." Oresta enjoys spending time with her favorite hobby and often paints with music. She likes to experiment with light and colors, with brush and knives, with water and fire. That's because her artworks are very different and not similar to the previous ones. Well-known artists who inspired artist Oresta Kinash are: Albrecht Durer, Gustav Klimt, Hieronimus Bosch, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh and ukrainian artist and poet Taras Shevchenko. Today, this list is supplemented by new names of contemporary artists who also inspire with their brilliant talents and masterpieces of art. The Drawing process also makes her happy and full of faith in herself and intuition. The process of creation is a very deep meditation for Oresta and saturation with positive energy. In art, as well as in music, high technique is very useful, but also the heart and spirit must be present. They bring sounds and colors to life, they make our inner world rich and our souls immortal. At that moment Oresta had already gained a small circle of fans among her friends and acquaintances. Many paintings were donated to private homes and offices. However, now there is more and more interest in the person of an unusual choir conductor who paints. Oresta, sure, is very happy about this, but at the same time sets the following goals for the development of her talent and all the time works to raise her level in conducting, singing and now - in painting art.