Margaret Morgan {Watkins

Margaret Morgan {Watkins

About The Artist

Margaret has always been interested in art and, in particular, painting. She was very lucky growing up to have wonderful teachers, very innovative and progressive. Mrs Zeiker, whose husband designed stain glass windows for churches, and priests garments would have the girls painting to music. With Mother Marcella they would go on walks around the grounds of Genazzano with sketch pads in hand, checking out the beautiful purple shades thrown by the shadows in Cyprus Walk. When her children were at kindergarten she took up oil painting, tutored by Ron Reynolds and Marion Bruere. Ron would have a box of black and white photographs for us to select our subject matter from; resulting in an exciting night of tonal painting. The Sunday morning field trips to places like Pound Bend (in the middle of winter); Warrandyte were fun. Margaret later took watercolour lessons from Julie Ford at Mitcham Art Society, where she became Treasurer and Secretary for several years prior to moving to Kilmore in 2001. Margaret had 2 years of watercolour tuition from David K Taylor, and has attended workshops and been tutored by such noted artists as Alvaro Castagnet, Amanda Hyatt, John Orlando Birt and Joseph Zbukvic to name a few. Margaret would enjoy visits to Harold Freeman’s studio in Brunswick watching the mosaic murals taking shape and casting an eye over David Jack and Joe Attard’s oil landscapes, when the late Harold Freeman was State Artist. Margaret joined Seymour Art Society after moving to Kilmore, where she was public officer, secretary and promotional co-ordinator for a few years. She paints in watercolour, silk paint, oils or acrylic, and occasionally has a dabble in pastel. Margaret joined Woodend Art Group in 2011 and is Secretary. She holds classes and workshops in the group’s studios at the Woodend Railway Station complex. Hon. Mention for a silk painting at the Kilmore Art Expo‚ judged by Richard Chamerski. Hon. Mention at The Art Beyond the Divide Art Expo in Seymour for a silk painting judged by the Assistant Curator of the Benalla Art Gallery. Best Oil in Show‚ Broadford Art Show 2015 judged by Karolyn Mitchell. Hon. Mention at Wooded Art Group’s Annual Show November 2016 judged by Tim Jones for oil painting Sunset Lancefield/Woodend Road. 2018 received Highly Commended at Woodend Art Group’s Annual Exhibition, judged by John Walsh for oil panting ‘Goulburn Reflections’. 2020 Highly commended Woodend Lions Club Exhibition 2020 for oil painting Old Bridge Across the Goulburn. She has received many awards for paintings hanging in many local art shows.