Art of Breath

Celeseah & Other Creatives

The 'Art of Breath' is a final project for my Breathwork Facilitators Training with Breathing Space. I am passionate about creativity and am an experienced Holistic Health & Wellbeing Therapist, Educator and Consultant who incorporates Art and Creativity as a form of Therapy in both my personal and professional practise. The 'Art of Breath' project began with a Conscious Connected Breath Work Quest & then a 'Breath and Create' Session to explore painting with Breathing through Straws. I invite you to Take an Inhale and Exhale and Share a Breath with Each Creation of the Exhibition and Feel With Your Whole Being and Senses, not just the eyes. You are invited as part of the exhibition to join the Art of Breath FB Group: and are Invited to Participant in the Inner Artist Breath Journey and if inspired create a piece of work for the 'blank spaces' of the Exhibition. This exhibition showcases some of the participants creations in a virtual gallery of any creative expression in any form, media or genre of your 'inner artist' inspired by the Art of Breath Project.