About The Artist

I was always attracted by the peculiar shapes,colours and the mixture of minerals,certain stones were formed and filled with, billion years ago. Consequently,I started collecting stones which appeared most interesting to me, and my collection was growing week by week. One day I felt the “Spirit of the Stone” urging me to reveal their hidden beauty.And it was then,when I started experimenting using different kind of methods and materials and I was “torturing” my mind trying to find the correct method to make this “revelation”. After months of hard work and mental efforts,I was able to discover a sophisticated technique which allowed me, by using not only my hands and tools,but also some “other things”, to strees all the natural characteristics a stone already had,thus taking out each stone’s “Personality”. By finishing the process of this transformation,every stone stops from being a lifeless piece of rock and becomes a “Living Stone” with a Unique Personality and with a Name. I would not define my self as a sculptor,but as a Self-taught artist, who works the Stone with “unconventional” methods. E-mail: petrasakis@cytanet.com.cy