Sergio Muscat

Sergio Muscat

About The Artist

Sergio Muscat is a young artist working in the photographic medium. His work is instinctive, sensitive and contemplative, focusing on a reality that is continuously changing through the evolution of nature and the intervention of mankind. His work in Architecture Photography has been received with critical acclaim, and has earned him a Fellowship of the MIPP and SWPP. He has always stated that his “natural habitat” is on the street, observing the environment, society and the eternal battle between mankind and nature. Sergio’s work has garnered various awards, including the “Press and PR photographer of the year award” from the SWPP in 2008 and multiple nominations in the International Masters Cup and the Black & White Spider Awards in 2009, 2010 and 2011. His work has been exhibited locally and overseas, and is found in private collections across Europe and the US. See a presentation of Sergio’s work on youtube: