by Jay Q

Artwork Description

I Connect

0.0 x 0.0

The mind’s eye plays a part as the glue connecting our imagination to our reality. We have eyes that see, yes, but they also reveal one’s true depth as we grow through our experiences. The artist’s intention is to provide an experience not only visual, but also without sense of touch as the screws and texture of the art provides a sense of emotion when gently grazing your fingertips along the eye outward. What do you feel when touching the piece carefully then taking a step back to view it? Has your thought of the piece changed? The depth of the eye is illustrated by the pupil bleeding outward by the comparison of our experiences with pain sorrow, sadness, and trails having a lot to do with our growth; much of what we tend to hide from each other. The colorful texture in the back represents our good experiences even on rough terrain. The artist leaves the quantity of screws unknown to keep the viewer guessing as we tend to do with each other.

Artwork Details

