Cutter Cutshaw

Cutter Cutshaw

About The Artist

Los Angeles based artist Cutter Cutshaw mixes the profane with the elegant. His mixed media approach combines original photography with digital and organic brushwork, transforming chaos into sensual portrayals of gritty characters and subjects of desire. His work highlights the glamorous yet dark allure of romance and beauty. Born in Detroit, Cutter was gifted with a keen eye for composition. He began creating art at a young age and has since studied abroad and locally with accomplished, master photographers and digital artists. He also contributes much of his skill set to his educational training at Full Sail University's film program in Orlando, Florida... where after graduation he started as a graphic designer, which eventually sparked his love for photography and ultimately he merged these two passions into a unique art form. Every piece of his work consists entirely of photos. He travels abroad and locally, walking for miles to find and capture the perfect elements for each work of art. Some pieces contain more than 50 photos and can take months to create. His fine art photography is also captured on his travel adventures. His inspiration is drawn from his awareness that everything is connected and that we all express ourselves through love, beauty, joy... and the occasional glass of wine! See more of my work at