by Jasper

Artwork Description

Fake Look Women.

36.0 x 46.0 cm

The painting is about the fact that I as a little boy was treated harshly and humiliatingly by men in the family, which caused me to be afraid of people, and I have never understood that mistreatment, but I know why today, they want to rule and don't like people, they didn't want me to be with women, which only happens when you choose to be with people who are evil, selfish and without understanding and loving qualities. Therefore, I have lived my life with anxiety and frustrations which I can`t do for, and even though I am sweet, loving and kind, but seem insecure and afraid, I find that beautiful women I see are not what they show inside, they reject me coldly and cynical if I seem scared, sweet and kind to them they don't like it and are selfish even I could be good to them, instead they fall for men who are wealthy, fearless, strong, funny and confident regardless of whether those men are bad for them who are selfish, controlling and evil. Peace, Love and Harmony.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Other

Genre: Expressionism