Jeremy Abelson

Jeremy Abelson

About The Artist

Born in 1972 in the vibrant city of Charlotte, North Carolina, Jeremy Abelson's artistic journey commenced with an innate passion for artistry. His academic pursuit led him to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he nurtured his artistic talents and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, setting the stage for his illustrious career. ### A Fusion of Moments in Time Jeremy Abelson is an artist who captivates singular moments, inviting collectors to immerse themselves in the present. His art transcends boundaries, showcasing adept mastery of techniques and meticulous attention to aesthetics. Grounded in Charlotte, Jeremy navigates diverse artistic domains, exploring the allure of pastel's vivid colors as an immediate medium. ### An Artistic Odyssey Unfettered by the endpoint of a painting, Jeremy revels in the very act of creation. His passion emanates from the process itself—selecting and blending colors, embracing the opulence of oil, the fluidity of watercolor, and the textured strokes of pastel. For Jeremy, art is a tapestry of sensations and experiences, each stroke a manifestation of creative expression. ### Embracing Risk in Artistry Jeremy Abelson's philosophy underscores the pursuit of excellence through risk-taking and acknowledgment of both failures and triumphs. He believes that embracing risks fosters growth, allowing artists to unearth their potential. Jeremy's ethos revolves around the journey, where acknowledging achievements and setbacks propel one towards artistic heights. Jeremy Abelson's artistic voyage embodies the essence of living in the moment, embracing the nuances of color and texture to craft evocative art. Through his creative odyssey, Jeremy inspires others to perceive art not merely as an outcome but as a journey of unending discovery.