Thing! Author's exhibition of creative artist Anastasiia Mikhailenko.

Anastasiia Mikhailenko. Interior designer of residential and public spaces. Furniture designer for trade and business enterprises. Teacher. Art critic. Master of decorative and applied arts. Founder of the design studio "Creative Market". Author of projects for large commercial companies in Russia and the CIS. Participant of author's exhibitions, conference speaker, winner of many prestigious national and international awards in the field of design and applied art

Thing! Author's exhibition of creative artist Anastasia Mikhailenko. The world of creativity and creativity is limitless and perhaps endless. However, few artists can boast of the ability to create stunning designer items and handmade art objects. One of these artists is Anastasia Mikhailenko - teacher, art historian, restorer, designer and master of decorative and applied arts. Anastasia is a practicing interior designer of residential and public spaces. Furniture designer for trade and business enterprises. Author of projects for large commercial companies in Russia and neighboring countries. In 2011, Anastasia Mikhailenko founded the design studio "CREATIVE-MARKET", where she is still the general director. Based on the studio, Anastasia continues to create interesting interior design projects, in which unique hand-made design items of applied art, art objects, furniture and interior items are often an integral part of them. Many of Anastasia’s masterfully crafted works become winners of national and international exhibitions, competitions and festivals. Anastasia is a leading expert in the field of decorative and applied arts, working with wood and metal and willingly shares her developments and research with the global community of artists and designers. In addition, Anastasia is the only specialist in Russia in the field of research into decorative and academic restoration of iron artifacts and their integration into art exhibitions and interiors. Anastasia is a speaker and participant in numerous conferences, and her creative achievements are recognized internationally.

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