About The Artist

Solo exibitions 2014 Colonial beauty, gallery Bastejs, Riga LATVIA 2014 Indonesian stories, Bantul,Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 2013 Bridges. Mark Rothko Art centre, Daugavpils LATVIA 2011 War, Erarta contemporary art museum, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA 2010 BELLA VIDA, Kamiyama , Tokushima, JAPAN Eight Yellow, Organhaus Art Space gallery, Chonqing, CHINA Selected group exibitions 2015 SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 , Miami USA 2015 SCOPE Art Basel 2015 , Basel, SWITZERLAND 2013 ArtexParte II, BuenosAires, ARGENTINA Awards , Grants 2014 Artist in Residency grant ,Perahu Art Center, Yogyakarta INDONESIA 2012 Artist in Residency grant ,HOM Art Center, KualaLumpur, MALAYSIA 2011 Artist in Residency grant ,Highland Art Center, Chengdu, CHINA 2010 Artist in residency grant , Kamiyama Tokushima, JAPAN Artist in Residency grant , Organhaus Art center Chongqing CHINA 2007 Artist in residency The Rodríguez-Amat Foundation, Girona, SPAIN 2006 scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture And Science of NETHERLANDS 2005 Artist in residency grant ,GAV Foundation, Delhi, INDIA 2004 Artist in Residency grant, Fundacion Valparaiso ,Almeria , SPAIN