Julee Latimer

Julee Latimer

About The Artist

Mix an ancient art form with a contemporary perspective and the results are Julee Latimer’s bold, engaging sculptures. Award winning works that appear in international publications as well as private collections in England, USA, Scandinavia and Australia. English born and Australia based, Julee exhibits regularly in Melbourne. She also creates mosaics for schools, communities, public and private clients. Self confessed addicted to all types of glass ‘its all about the light, the colour, the texture’, Julee feels that her passion long ago became an obsession. Julee has recently been invited to exhibit in Italy’s first International Mosaic Art Exhibition featuring artists at the forefront of this art form. She is the only artist from Australia to be featured. In the USA, she will appear in a dedicated chapter in the book ‘WIP Yourself into a Mosaic Artist’ by Rayna Clark, which goes behind the scenes of the making of ‘Celeste’, which exhibited at this year’s Flower and Garden Show. Julee has also been approached by a New York Gallery with a view to long term representation. For the past three years, she has taught Mosaic Art to adults at The Centre of Adult Education (CAE) in Melbourne city.