Samantha Tesi

Samantha Tesi

About The Artist

I am currently a student at the Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida with a passion for art. I’m told I have been drawing from about the time I could walk – my dad has a picture hanging in his office that I drew in the aftermath of 9/11. I was 6, and it looks like a 6-year-old drew it. But my dad maintains that there is much meaning behind the images and that he knew I would grow up to pursue a career in the arts. My personal love is drawing people (cartoony or otherwise), which is more satisfying to me than the fine arts and graphic drawings. But no matter. I have chosen to make art my career and hope to be able to pursue my dreams in whatever capacity I can. I mostly work with mixed mediums ranging from pencil and ink to acrylics to markers and incorporate many of my passions in my work, more to please me than anyone else. A good example is "Musical Hands," and ink drawing of my hands holding Deadmau5, a popular DJ (you'll either know him or you won't). I have been fortunate to have won several awards through school participation, and have been fortunate enough to win several awards. In 2008, my acrylic painting "Abstract Flowers" was recognized by the Palm Beach County District School Board and I was one of twenty-five students that had their art displayed at the Norton Museum in conjunction with their Georgia O'Keefe exhibit. In 2011, I had done an assignment in ink entitled "Puzzled Pomegranate" that my art teacher submitted to the organization Women in the Digital Arts and received the Lynn Travis Stender Scholarship Fund Award. I have also received positive criticism from renowned artist William Stout who has also provided both encouragement and guidance. I practice every day and create at every opportunity. Many of my friends are also creative, and I feel privileged to be in their company. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my art.