About The Artist

All photos (and poetry, if included), are mine and copyrighted with all rights reserved. Artist statement I take pictures and write poetry, mainly of the outdoors. I try to capture more of the “spirit” of an object/event than just what meets the eye. At my “ripe old age” of 60, I don’t have a lot of “passions” left, but photography and writing are still of them, as well as my family and God. I really enjoy the parks, mountains, beaches, landscapes, fall and spring, bagpipes, clear country skies at night, and traveling. I don’t care to go somewhere to be piled on top of other folks or to see just more McDonalds, Wal-Marts, AutoZones, and the like. I enjoy being able to have the calm and quiet to be more contemplative, to let a place within myself rather than just observing the externals. With my photography and poetry, I usually am quite basic and simple, just trying to slow down and see what’s there, not just speeding by in a hurry to get from one place to another. Quality is much more important than quantity. I’d rather come up with one good picture/poem than 100 mediocre ones. Spontaneity is often quite important. I try to always carry my camera and spare paper and pens so I’m better prepared, if an occasion were to present itself. I never take “machine gun photography,” taking a bunch of pictures hoping that something will turn out. The same with my poetry. I rarely rewrite anything. Even as far as people pictures, I’d rather capture folks being themselves rather than being so “stiff and posed.” I rarely use film photography anymore ... being a more recent 'convert' to digital photography. I have a LOT to learn about digital format yet, but am willing to learn with time and experience. As far as more important influences, first of all I would credit God, my wife, and family, as well as friends. I do have some personal preferences as far as 'art,' including Ansel Adams, Elliott Porter, Galen Rowell, Joseph Muench, John Netherton and Freeman Patterson, as well as painters Andrew Wyeth, Gauguin, and Georgia O’Keeffe and poets Tagore and Basho. There are quite a few folks who can take pictures that are “technically correct,” but are so lacking in a live spirit. Our life experiences definitely influence the way we see things. Hopefully, photography is something that is more of a passion, not just an automaton coldly interacting with a piece of technology. I really admire a child who can look at things so pure and innocent, without judgement, and be enthused with curiosity. Resume: Education * Nashville State Technical Institute, Nashville TN, Assoc. Degree Photography, 2000 * Albany Junior College, Albany GA, Assoc. Degree in Liberal Arts, 1970 Exhibitions * Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville TN * Sarratt Student Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN * Mills Book Store * 1st American Bank * Centennial Arts & Activity Center * Centennial Arts Center Collections and Commissions * Tennessee Department of Tourist Development * TVA at Land-Between-the-Lakes * Tennessee Horsemen’s Association * The Main Event * Radnor Lake State Natural Area Teaching * Centennial Park Art Center