mark porter

mark porter

About The Artist

Mark Porter Artist Statement I create performative/kinetic sculptures and drawings, which serve as commentary on the human condition and the impact that humanity has upon the natural world. Using a D.I.Y/scavenger approach, I create art works, which act as prototypes. By fusing found objects with mechanisms that I design, I create works of art, which communicate the spirit of invention and experimentation. My artwork is inspired by the independent spirit and the process of bringing an idea to fruition. This interest comes from my background. I grew up in an industrial area 50 miles south of Chicago. Three of my family members had careers as tool and die makers and my father was a biology professor. My childhood memories are filled with eccentric characters who spent countless hours in a workshop/lab experimenting, building and improving upon designs made by others. I create machines and schematic drawings, which serve as extensions of the human hand. My creations are steps within an ever-evolving process; they are constantly changing throughout their use.