Michael DeBonis

Michael DeBonis

About The Artist

Location:United States I iam a self taught artist have never had any training in the art of painting, Ive been painting since 1996, I had started out in the medium of acrlic paint but found that I could'nt get the paint too do what I wanted. Not knowing much about any medium of oil paints I purchased some, and so my love for the arts and painting in oil had began. I beleive we all given somekind of gift or ability too do something and knew what mine was it had been in the art of painting, my schooling was endless hours of practice and practice. I would spend hours looking at pictures of others works not wanting to copy the style of other painters I wanted to create my own style of painting inwhich I believe have. It is always still difficult letting a painting go when they or purchased but it is always an honor to me when someome prchase one. So please enjoy viewing my works end everything is for sale you my email at michael_debo2000@yahoo.com Michael