Nik Johnson

Nik Johnson

About The Artist

I have been creating Art since i could hold a pen, My work consists of many painting, working both in acrylic and aerosol , also i have a strong black and white style.I enjoy drawing Cartoon and have been employed drawing charicatures, upon leaving school i undertook a trainee-ship in Graphic Arts, here i learned the techniques for getting finished artwork to screen for printing, also in those days i worked doing drawings of medical equiptment for a medical supplier. I have studied Traditional animation and have 2 short films under my belt, I am proficient also in digital media , such as(( photoshop, Flash))as well as loving music and being a drummer , i draw much inspiration from music with my work. I am currently working on a new exhibition of the last 10 years of my works, as well as being a full time chef i am constantly working on something new. I do my Art for pure therapy and also to get something off my chest, i hope to draw the viewer to look deeper into the picture and into themselves. If you as the veiwer stops and feels something, then i feel my work is done. To view a decent range of my art please visit my webpage : Thanks you and peace :)