Ron Kendall

Ron Kendall

About The Artist

Hi, I’m Ron Kendall, a 67 year old self taught artist with 60+ years experience, that’s a recent photo of me to the left. After getting out of the army in 1968, I started to seriously put pen and paint to paper. In the last 45 years I have managed to assemble a portfolio of 500 outrageously beautiful and varied pieces of art. And I am still adding to it. Up to 4hrs a day. I am now retired and live in Phelan, California. However, I spent 36 years in the mountains of Trinity County California in a place called Hayfork. I relocated there from Riverside, Ca in 1973. There I worked, fished, prospected for gold and developed my artistic style. I also play the guitar and sing a bit. During those years many of my works won 1st place awards in local county fairs and exhibitions. My art has evolved over the years to include a wide variety of styles, methods and media. Below is a list of my most recent accomplishments. 2011 – “Open Gate” won first place ribbon at the Los Angeles County Fair. 2012 – Exhibited 140 paintings over a 10 month period from June thru October in the “Billboard Art Project” presented in 6 major cities in the U.S. thru the website (Richmond, VA, Salem, Or, Detroit, MI, Albany, NY, Quincy, IL, Atlanta, GA). This exhibit was shown via the use electronic billboards along side major highways and freeways 24/7. A number of paintings from the Billboard Art Project Atlanta exhibit were chosen by Kalerina Lanfranco of New York to be included in her special week long exhibit “Color Shift” segment of the Atlanta exhibit. 2013 Aug. – Selected by the board of jurors of the World Wide Art Books, Inc. to be included in the “International Contemporary Masters Volume VIII” which will be published in early 2014. The “Contemporary Masters” is a highly respected, art publication series distributed to galleries, art museums, studios, collectors, etc. world wide. ( Oct. - “Honorable Mention Certificate of Award” for the drawing “Cottage Landscape” in the open online international juried contest “The 8th Annual Art Contest” presented by ( Nov. – Two certificates of award for two paintings. “Open Gate” in the “Special Merit Category” and “Cottage Landscape” in the “Special Recognition Category”. Both competed in the international, themed, online juried contest “Countryside” presented by Light Space Time Online Art Gallery. ( Dec. – Two certificates of award for two paintings. “Autumn” in the “Special Merit Category” and “Fine” in the “Special Recognition Category”. Both competed in the international themed, online juried contest “Seasons” presented by Light Space Time Online Gallery. ( 2014 Jan. – “Award of Excellence” for the painting “Fall Time”. Which competed in the online “2nd Bi-annual International Art Competition” presented by Four Points Contemporary. ( Jan. – The drawing “Long Time” was selected by the director of Saatchi Gallery in London, England, Rebecca Wilson to be included in her week long “Collections” presentation “Luck of the Draw : Spot Light on Drawing” from 1/7 thru 1/14 on their online art gallery home page. Go to and check out my complete portfolio. Also go to my Face Book Page,, and post a Like and/or a comment.