About The Artist

MjS c h a e r . p h o t o g r a p h e r Architecture was the art MjSchaer had planned to create... But destiny and Vietnam would change his course of plan... His minds eye would turn from creating art on velum, to capturing and creating images on film, both still and cinematography... a portfolio over four decades has encompassed professional and collegian sports, many company and corporate clientele, and proprietor of a successful fine art gallery. Today... Mj pursues a more relaxed challenge... capturing familiar and not so familiar subjects through a fresh lens and a redirected eye... striving for a different perfect image... to seek out, capture and create an exquisite visual image of art. Statement: 'Photography is the ‘Art of FREEZE’ ©... to look beyond the lens... to create, shape and finalize an instant in time that otherwise would never be seen again... a love, passion and satisfaction to visualize, capture and create that one-of-a kind image through a unique, uncommon eye, is my simple goal"