Lizzy Forrester

Lizzy Forrester

About The Artist

When I paint I find complete peace: That is what I hope reaches out to others. I believe certain creative works, through images and colour have the power to heal, nurture, harmonize and re-balance energy, our life energy, “Chi". This is possible on at least 2 levels: intimately touching one’s inner space, or it can have an effect on the space where it hangs, on our surrounding home or work space: these paintings would be part of FengShui project or study for one of my clients. I believe some paintings can provide an individual with a key to allow ‘self- healing’: They can give him or her access to somewhere deep inside, normally blocked, thereby allowing a ‘release,’ to help unblock. I often work in this way, to create an Art piece privately: This would start with a ‘sitting’. A person joins me in a meditation: The work could be completed in one ‘sitting’ or more To enhance and empower the work I may ask that person for a favorite piece music, Classical or an Aria, any piece that is special, sacred to them: also important is fragrance eg: vanilla for abundance (good for attracting money or wealth), lavender is relaxing and tranquilizing, Rosemary helps concentration, good for areas set aside for study/work, & so the list goes on. Colours associated with and combined with fragrances, enhance and harmonize,(or reverse, reduce a sensation of eg stagnation) some emotion or feeling in a space. "Fusion Art” fusing the senses. I paint from my heart, allowing my spirituality to guide me, not really ‘seeing’, or using my mind to interpret or analyze, but rather sensing or perceiving the ‘unseen’ in nature: It is for me is a meditation, through which I try to make visible the beauty in the perfection of life that I sense everywhere in the underlying energies that are around us and surround us all” Whatever is happening, inside or on the canvas, to be able to communicate creatively is a wonderful gift for which I am most grateful and humbled–so I try to do good with it.