About The Artist

Born in the UK, Zue Acker has spent much of her life between Oxford and San Francisco California. Her studio is presently located in the Mission district in San Francisco. Zue attended Bath Academy of Art in the UK in 1986 and graduated with honors in Ceramics and Printmaking. She then started her artistic career as a ceramic artist in Oxford England working from a disused water mill. She sold her work from her studio, shows, and at galleries across England. After 6 years in the ceramic business she packed up shop to travel. Feeling a need to fill the creative void she took up watercolors, pastels and charcoal. Many years later on, arriving in San Francisco she finally took up oil painting. She is drawn to paint her immediate surroundings, such as the San Francisco streets, and the redwoods and oak trees of California. Traveling through places such as Mexico and Morocco is also a great inspiration “I started painting in oils as I felt they would give me the greatest color and texture flexibility. I painted my first canvas in 2004 and was immediately taken. Every painting is an experiment or an exploration of the material. The common thread is my color-lust and the desire I have to convey the world as it seems to me: full of awe, wonder and depth beyond our comprehension.” I would like my paintings to make the viewer feel like they really are in the forest for example, where they can hear the water dripping or sense that stillness and presence of an ancient tree. Essentially I hope the paintings convey a particular atmosphere through the use of color.”