Marijan Zajec Ko-Ze

Marijan Zajec Ko-Ze

About The Artist

Born in Zagreb (Croatia) 1966. Since I was a child I have had an inclination towards art , clay modeling , painting. Life took me to another direction, so I ignored my talent and I have dealt with the economy, tourism, manufacturing bricks, where I was co-owner of the company. My life has completely changed after a serious illness, for which I had to change the tempo and style of life - then I turned to spiritual values and art - sculpture and painting. I enrolled in the College of Visual Arts - ARTHOUSE in Ljubljana ( Slovenia ), studied at an accelerated pace and graduated after a year and a half ( study lasting four years ). Currently taking the exam for the Master of Fine Arts. Professionally I am involved in art since 2011. Since then I have made over 200 sculptures, mostly in bronze, which is my favorite material. Each of my sculpture is unique, the model for much larger sculptures, imagining my sculptures as monuments of 5-10 meters. I believe that only then they can came to the fore. I exhibited several times in Croatia ( Zagreb ), Austria ( Vienna ), Florida ( Miami ) . The next exhibition will be held in Monaco ( MonacoArt 2014 ) in April. Contact ; Video sculptures on you tube page Marijan Zajec Ko-Ze