Vinko Fister

Vinko Fister

About The Artist

VINKO FISTER was born on March 8, 1945 in Kucanec nearby Zagreb. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb, Painting Department in 1966. He beginns to exhibit in 1968. In the year 1967 he becomes a member of Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) and in 1971 a member of Croatian Freelance Artists' Association (HZSU). He resides in Paris in 1972 as a scholar of Ministry of Culture. He has participated in more than 250 of selective, invitational and thematical exhibitions in the country and abroad. He had more than 30 one-man exhibitions. He is the winner of several national and international prizes. He continuously works in cycles of drawing, painting, print works, sculptures and instalations in the poetics of geometrisam and spaciality. Since 1980 he explores the poetics of postmodernisam and builds his own spatial artistic construction on its syncretic properties. He's also engaged in computer graphics and video arts since 1990.