Linda Braun

Linda Braun

About The Artist

Born in Neustrelitz,a small city in the former East Germany,Linda Braun has witnessed both sides of and sorrow.. The struggles and hopes that arose from the re birth of her native country as it joined the west and began to experience new found freedom and hope... Learning her craft at an early age..Linda was able to find an outlet for the emotions which overwhelmed both her and her family as they tried to start again in this new world order...Mentored by several established german artists..Linda began to develope her own style and techniques..and continues to experiment with colour and painting tools to create truly original works of art.! As a long time resident of Berlin she has witnessed the fall of the berlin wall and the rebuilding of one of the world`s greatest cities and all along has continued to paint.. Inspired by faces in the crowd...the beauty of nature...and the power of the dream..Linda Braun continues on her journey as an artist to create works of art that tell a story..usually mutiple themes.. as they can`t always tell a book by it`s cover...and the same is true with Linda Braun paintings...the longer you look...the more the story unfolds..! Linda is travelling to North America and spends six months in the year in Canada painting along the north shores of the Great lakes in a small studio along the water...creating new and exiting works..inspired by nature and inspired by the western way of life... Linda continues to commute between Berlin, Switzerland,Toronto and London Canada and has plans to present her art using a mutli media presentation..encorporating art,video,live theatre and live music...details about the LINDA BRAUN ABSTRACT EVENT will be released soon...until then enjoy her`s one of a kind!