Gretchen  Bainum

Gretchen Bainum

About The Artist

I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a family of artists, my father having taught art at Montana State for 37 years, and my mother also being a painter. My siblings and I were taught at an early age that making art is a valid, even vital way to respond to any and all parts of life,whether good or bad, internal or external, real or imagined. Consequently, we all made art as children and continue to do so. Although I took a variety of art courses in college, my family has always been my biggest influence as an artist. Born in Montana, I went to the Southwest as a young woman where I married and lived on ranches for 10 years. My husband and two daughters moved to Kentucky in 1980 where we continue to live today, although I return to the West every summer. I receive my elementary education degree from Montana State, taught 2nd, 3rd and 6th grade in Kentucky for 10 years. I left teaching for 10 years, working for the US Forest Service in Montana. In 2008 I was invited to teach Art in the elementary school in Kentucky, which I did until 2013. I am now retired, spend summers in Montana and winters in Kentucky, where I continue to respond to life by MAKE ART!