Serhiy Kolyada

Serhiy Kolyada

About The Artist

"Serhiy Kolyada got in hot water with Kyiv's art establishment with his ballpoint-on-construction paper productions, portraying Kyiv as a melancholy zone of shadows. Check out his Web site ( to see his nude or semi-nude women depicted against shadowy backgrounds of corporate slogans. It's art as social commentary: gutsy reflections on money, power and gender issues in Ukraine." ( "50 Great Things About Kyiv" KYIV POST, Oct 20, 2004) "...Serhiy Kolyada's politically infused ballpoint pen drawings have left him virtually ignored by galleries in his home country of Ukraine. Publicity comes mostly through English language media and a majority of sales to foreign clients via private viewings and online galleries... Kolyada works in black ballpoint, using other mediums and collage occasionally to add color. In 2006, religious themes and "the mystical side of life" became subjects of interest to the artist..." ("Ballpoint pen artwork", WIKIPEDIA) 1972 - Was born in Odessa, Ukraine 1973 - Moved with my parents to Berdyansk (a little town on the Azov Sea) 1979-1989 - Studied at secondary school and attended the drawing classes at the state art studio 1989 - Entered State University in Zaporizhzhya (Faculty of Foreign Languages) 1991 - Was excluded from the University for the taking place in democratic anti-communist regime compaigns. Then went to Sweden to ask the political asylum. In a month get the refusal ( it was the time when the putch failed in Moscow and Ukraine got the independence in few months ) and went back to Ukraine 1993 - Applied for the emigration to the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv (Ukraine) and got the refusal. Entered Teachers Training Institute in Berdyansk (home town) and continued my education 1997 - Finished the Institute and went to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine to make an artist career. Got acquainted with a lot of foreign diplomats and began to sell my art. At that time applied to a lot of Kyiv's galleries for an art-show and got the refusals because of the criticism of anti-human regime of president Kuchma 2001 - Had my art-shows at the residence of South African Ambassador Mr. Delarey van Tonder and at Kyiv International School (founded by Americans) and had a great success 2003 - My friend made the web-site for me. So people got the possibility to see my art on the Internet 2003 - Worked as an artist- illustrator in "Generalny Director" magazine 2004-2005 - Took part in the Orange Revolution which didn't bring the real democracy to Ukraine and real freedom to Ukrainians 2005 - All the Ukrainian galleries still refuse me to make my show 2005 - Art-show in State of the Arts Gallery (Sarasota, Florida, USA), Beeldkracht Gallery (Scheemda, Netherlands) 2006 - Art-show in cafe-club The Drum (Kyiv, Ukraine) 2007 - Art-show in Gogol-Fest (Kyiv, Ukraine) 2007 - 2009 - Worked as an artist- illustrator and PR manager in "Graal Collection" magazine 2008 - Art-show "Our Ukraine", Antin's Collection, Art-Foxtrot Gallery (Kyiv, Ukraine) 2009 - took part in “Fine Art Ukraine” art fair with the “Troeshchina Chronicles” project in Ukrainian House in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2009 - took part in Makhno-Fest contemporary art festival in Hulyai- Pole- city, Ukraine. 2009 - took part in Gogol-Fest Contemporary Art Fair at “Mystetsky Arsenal Gallery” in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2009 - was one of the founders of Independent Artists Union “Freedom or Death”. 2009 - took part in “Art Kyiv Contemporary” with “The Death Match” project in Ukrainian House in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2010 - took part in “The Death Match” project in “Marginesy Gallery” in Ivano-Frankivsk-city, Ukraine. 2011 - took part in "Freedom or Death" Anarchy Art project at “Mystetsky Arsenal Gallery” in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2011 - took part in "Zhlob-Zhlobstvo-Zhlobizm" project of ANTIN'S GALLERY in Museum of Ukrainian Modern Art in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2011 - took part in “Art Kyiv Contemporary” with “Velyka Okruzhna or Welcome to Euro 2012” project in Mystetsky Arsenal in Kyiv-city, Ukraine. 2012 - took part in "Zhlob-Art" Art project at "Salo" art-restaurant in Lviv-city, Ukraine. 2012 - took part in "Welcome to Ukraine" Art show of Independent Artists Union Freedom or Death at "Tryptych-Art" Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2012 - present work as a cg artist at "Animagrad" animation studio (Postmodern, Film.UA) 2013 - took part in "Zhlob-Art" Art project at “Mystetsky Arsenal” (“Art Kyiv Contemporary, 2013”) in Kyiv-city, Ukraine.