by Lüthi (alias Abdelghafar)

Artwork Description

Forest in autumn

80.0 x 100.0 cm

This atmospheric oil painting captures an autumnal landscape in vibrant colours. In the foreground you can see a gently rising hill covered with yellowing grass and autumnal foliage in warm shades of yellow and orange. The dark trunks of some trees rise up on the left edge of the picture, their crowns transformed into a spectacular sea of golden yellow leaves. In the background, the gentle contours of hills in shades of green and yellow suggest a wide, open landscape. The sky is only hinted at by light-coloured areas between the leaves. Overall, the painting conveys a feeling of warmth, tranquillity and the fleeting beauty of the seasons. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in the golden splendour of an autumn day and feel the magic of this time of year. The technique of oil on velvet is very rarely used as it is very time-consuming and difficult.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Impressionistic