Artwork Description

Industrial Birth - Contemporary art - Mixed media on canvas, sand, steel, natural pigment to discover in studio of the french contemporary artist Tapiezo at Roussillon in Provence - Luberon

0.0 x 0.0

Recovery as an indication of passing time. The artist Tapiézo, in close connection with the industrial world, draws in from well known structures such as France Telecom, Bouygues, Hutchinson, Alstom, Ruby, Mane, Airbus or Eiffage, the object or the piece that most accurately represents a fleeting moment. Sometimes the companies themselves come to the artist, "seeking for better communication by showing their artistic angle and will to innovate ... ". Thus, " Airbus has given electronic circuit prototypes numbered A380! Because it reflects a past life, because it's the result of an ongoing process in all areas of everyday existence, electronics having a strong existential dimension as does algebra." To discover in the gallery of the French contemporary Artist Tapiézo at Roussillon in Provence.

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