About The Artist

I consider myself to be a free spirit, a traveller, an adventurer, a curious soul and painting is one of my ways to express the world I discover and the way I see it and I feel it. I do not own my creations, they own me. They choose the moment and the subject to take form in and come to life. I am just the humble instrument who tries to set them free. And most of the time, I wish my hands could do a better job. Feelings, a glimpse of reality, a street scene or a fantasy are some of the sources of my inspiration. I use symbols, I mix materials and I reinvent the lines and shapes to create my message. Among my favourite themes and their symbols one can find: the ship and the car as an expression of the human condition; the bubbles representing the spirit and the creativity, the beach - our inner world and thoughts, the sea and the road - the symbol of life, the sky and clouds – our freedom, our dreams and the one I like most is the abstract as representation of our feelings. We can’t describe a feeling with a conventional shape, but we can express it with colours: “I feel sadly blue, or passionately purple, hot red or drowning in sorrow black, I feel free in green, energised in yellow and orange and calm in white. I can let myself torn apart by a roller-coaster of colours and shapes or I just simply choose to walk on rainbows” The shapes and textures I use are ranging from the minimalistic ones: simple shapes, few textures and not more than three colours such as black, white and blue keeping the eye focused on the message, to a more vivid and explosive palette with abundance of bright colours, shapes and textures aiming to express the feeling and passion for the subject. In the end, despites of my efforts and artist aspiration, the true beholder of my creations is and will always remain the Viewer. Exhibitions: “People and feelings”, The Lobby Gallery, Bucharest, July 2011 Colorida Art Gallery, Lisbon, January 2013 “The Story of the Creative”, New York, Long Island City Gallery, July - September 2013 “Abstract Non Figurative”, Bucharest, Elite Art Gallery, May 2014 “Art Takes Miami”, Digital Show Miami, December 2014 Sites: