Karen Brailovsky

Karen Brailovsky

About The Artist

www.karenbrailovsky.com Facebook Karen Brailovsky Facebook Photo Gallery My resume. THE EMPTYNESS The empty canvas represents my memories and emotions. Reflecting in a way, what I have experienced through my life, specially capturing what has been created in my interior. Talking about the unconscious mind we can still see the most far away images still haunting us. The form without form. Sometimes completely empty. What does it make us feel when we look at it? The abstraccion of things leaves a vast space for the imagination. Trying to imitate nature is almost impossible, but by looking at it in an untangible form of representation, it gives us the wonderful satisfaccion of mirroring ourselves with it's perfeccion. No details, just the moment, just that. Our lives are formed by our past experiences. Small memories. some blurrier than others. Without knowing in what direccion we are heading but blurry or not they always stay with us. The canvas as well as the mind is a way of captivating the moment with it's emotion. The creative mind plays with the unconscious with an explosion of colour and light. My work is a way of expressing my life in colour and abstraccion. Telling fantastical stories of love, life ,passion and death Reflecting myself transparently into the emptyness. Karen Brailovsky EXHIBITIONS 1995 Spirit in flight Fairfield Iowa USA 1996 La Raiz de la Fantasia, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Oaxaca 1997 La realidad existencial Instituto Cultural Aguascalientes 1998 Sil Lo real fuera real cual seria el significado de la existencia . El Juglar 2002 Expo Colectiva Holy Art Galeria Palmas 2003 Expo Colectiva Lomas Underground 2004 El Vacio Universidad Americana de Acapulco 2005 Expo Colectiva Centro Comunitario Sefaradi 2006 En el tiempo Galeria Artieri 2007 Entrelazados Galeria Durani BC 2008 Gigy's Gallery Rosarito BC 2009 Rosarito Art fest BC 2010 Tijuana Arte BC 2011 La Galeria Tijuana BC 2012 Broadway Gallery,New York 2012 James Gray Gallery LA California 2012 Amsterdam Whitney Gallery Chelsea, New York 2013 Townley Gallery 2013 Pink Art Show Laguna Beach 2013. Laguna art Laguna Beach California 2013. Gallery 104 San Clemente California 2014 Baja Gallery Rosarito BC